

Birthday: 04/19/2016

Registry: KWPN

Sire: Balta 'Czar

Dam: Oksana by Stallion Junior STV

Gorgeous yearling. In your pocket personality who loves to please. High scores in movement at her Keuring. Fluid movement just like her parents. Zuli placed well in young horse shows as a yearling and 2 year old. She will be a beautiful hunter. Congratulations to RGG Equestrian, LLC on your purchase of Zuli!

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Birthday: 2/1/09

Registry: Holsteiner

Sire: Cassini II

Dam: Mispe by Lasion

Prior to coming to Emellar Stables, "Blue" produced a show record that included that top finishes in low jr/ao jumper classes. After arriving in January 2018 Blue has proven to be a top contender on the show circuit. His recent awards have included 1st in the ASPCA Maclay Horsemanship Medal, 1st in the ASHJA 3'3 Jumper Medal, 1st in the Washington International Horse Show and 1st in the $2,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby.

Congratulations to the Grench family on your purchase of Blue!



Birthday: 04/11/2018

Registry: Oldenburg

Sire: Conrad I

Dam: Vivian Leigh

A laid back, in your pocket foal, Maddox is a barn favorite. He has a people pleasing personality.

Congratulations to Kelly on your purchase of Maddox!

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Birthday: 4/12/2009

Registry: ISR Oldenburg

Sire: Cabardino

Dam: Rivalin

Dezi was imported from Canada in 2018. She is currently showing in the Low Adult Jumpers.

Congratulations to the Young Family on their purchase of Dezi.